
Metrology and surface inspection for your industry

Industrial image processing is the key technology for defect-free products. This is why, as the driving force behind the ability to offer unrivalled quality, it has become an indispensable part of the modern production landscape in many branches of manufacturing industries.

Our innovative and intelligent integrated solutions in the areas of surface inspection, measuring technology and robotic handling allow us to provide our customers with a perfect solution, no matter how complicated the requirements. Automotive industry suppliers such as steel processing companies, industrial forges and high tech companies are all taking advantage of this.

Every company can benefit from this technology today in the field of quality assurance. Our experienced team has several decades worth of expertise and finds the right solution for every testing and inspection task. Talk to us, we are looking forward to a new challenge!

Weitere Lösungen

Der Grundpfeiler eines jeden produzierenden Unternehmens ist reproduzierbare Qualität - ohne Ausnahmen. Erkunden Sie, wie wir Ihnen dabei mit automatisierten Prüf- und Messsystemen weiterhelfen können.

Your Industry is Missing?

Then let us talk about your specific production processes and analyze how we can make them more efficient and safer. Our experts of many years are ready to help you.